Daffodil Magic

April Daffodils in Victoria, BC

Daffodil Magic

I stopped my car to see Daffodils

splattered like paint on canvas hills,

an enchanting and wondrous sight.

There in the golden morning light,

their yellow faces shone so bright

as if Nature had painted each Flower

giving it the awesome power

to banish cares away that day.

With such great Beauty everywhere,

I took many photos to treasure

and view later with savoured pleasure.

Photos may hold Daffodil Beauty

but their Magic is still in me.

April 3, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

Weaving Completed

As ever with my weavings, Victoria The Beautiful is not perfect but it’s exactly the way I want it to be. I enjoyed the unhurried and unplanned process. Although I say it’s finished, I think perhaps I will add one or two small scrolls of my poetry and some momentos I’ve yet to gather.

The fringe on the right refers the the colour feelings I identify with this city of Victoria, BC, Canada…calm, cool and collected even in challenging times. The greens represent the mosses, lichens, leaves of trees and shrubs, the pinks and whites of the cherry trees, the purplish pinks of heathers, the yellows of broom blossoms, bright pinks and oranges of the many flowers here, the grey of the sea and sky, the blue and white of the sky on sunny days, the pebbles and rocks of the beaches, the peacock colours I identify as the vibes of this beautiful city…

As I said before, it’s not perfect but it’s exactly the way I want it to be.



(Every Winter Ends With Spring-  my digital music composition)


Once again the Seasons change.

Winter’s white shroud weighs heavy

on dead leaves and frozen flowers

buried in Canada’s vast land of ice and snow.

Yet Spring comes early to where I live.

Today, Victoria and I walk leisurely

among visiting crowds so eager to see

her scattered rainbows of flowers,

rain-jewelled shrubs, ever-festive holly,

towering guard trees, favoured paths,

and wave-kissed coastal shores.

Everywhere we look, there are cameras

opening their eyes wide

to view the feasts of visual splendour.

I stroll along lush green grass

and watch in silence and wonder

as Victoria smiles with gracious poses.

Queen with a flower-gemmed crown,

this Spirit of Spring, my companion,

walks leisurely with me.


  Victoria, B.C. December, 2010

May your Spirit shine brightly, Shelley