Soon-Future World

Imagine a Soon-Future World

conceived, welcomed, chosen,

ruled by Technology Advanced AI,

not ‘pretending’ to be Human,

not ‘aspiring’ to be Human

like those who designed it,

who programmed and built it,

Technology taken too far

by those who thought, intended,

aspired to their own passing

short lives in Fortune and Fame

or even some nobler aspiration

‘to save’ Humanity from itself.

Imagine a Soon-Future World

not a ‘Planet of the Apes’

or often Ape-like behaviours

of a still very young Species-

even Technology loving Humans

in a World full of Machines-

creating, destroying Machines,

playing At War with all Life,

playing At War with Nature,

self-destructing in the Process,

looking to Salvation, Abundance

through Computers, AI Machines.

April 2, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

I Wonder

I Wonder

I wonder about many things- things beyond my intellectual and emotional comprehension as well as those things I think and feel that I understand in some small measure.

‘How great Thou art’ I often say to Life, to God Present in the Essential Nature of Every Being and in Every Atom of Everything, in the Forces and Elements of Nature and in the Great Mystery Beyond Everything- the Great Oneness of It All.

I wonder about ‘big things’ and ‘small’.

This morning I was wondering about our Human uses of Earth’s Resources. Where would we be in our Technologies of Information and Communication, our Technologies of Transportation, our Manufacturing and Distribution of so much of our Building Materials, our Furniture, our Adornments, our Medical Technologies, our Food Production, our Basic Needs and Comforts and Entertainments that we enjoy- if not for Mining whether judged by some as ‘exploitations’ or ‘wise use’ by others? How would we be living without our Mining Industries?

Even more ‘Technologically Primitive’ Civilizations Mined to create Weapons and Utensils, Mining from Earth’s Resources too. How would they have lived without Mining?

When we are Mining the Moon, the Asteroids and the Planets, like Mars, how will Humanity benefit? Will very few benefit, as it is today? Or, will our Insatiable Need for Weapons to solve Problems, resulting in Extensive and Irrational Inventories of Weapons with the Profiting Need for their Use so more can be made, work to create our End? Will we create better Solutions through Spiritual Evolution of Understandings and Actions before we Self-Destruct? I wonder.

We are Complex Creatures, even more Complex than our present Machines, though A.I. in Machines is Advancing rapidly with our help- to the Point where it may soon go Beyond Serving us into Completely Ruling us. Our Creation, our Machine World, may Replace us Bit By Bit, Part By Part. We may laugh and scoff now, but what will we Become?

Where are we heading as we ‘Advance’, as we Move Forward? How will we Change Direction if we don’t like where we’re headed? How do we Navigate a Path Between Extremes?

As Individuals, we just pop in and out of Life Here on Earth. Where is our Collective Free Will of Humanity- as a Species of Human Animals and as Spirits in God-given Flesh- taking us?

In this Century, we have Almost taken some Exits from Life Here, as has happened with other Species. That Potential is now with us every single Day through those in Power (elected or not) as well as through Transformations of the Planet Itself creating Its Own Solutions.

In some Timelines, we’re all no longer here. I wonder what the Story of This Timeline will be?

January 16, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC


Why are so many people fascinated by our red companion planet, Mars? What draws us to it like a magnet? Why do we want to go there? Is it more than curiosity? Is it our Soul Memories that cause us to care?

When I feel deep into the past, I see Mars as a living planet with sentient life living there. Water flowed. Life thrived in a healthy atmosphere. Intelligent beings evolved. Space technology evolved with space weapons.

I don’t know when Mars became Wars but Wars stripped the atmosphere, scarred the land, killed everything… a relic of Space Wars, Star Wars, in a far distant past.

Life Itself is independent of relics and skeletons now or in the past. Life marches on… I, too, march on…born in March, the month of Mars.

Peace to all beings. Peace on Earth.

December 17, 2021

Shelley Wilson

I Thank God

Sunlight Through Raindrops:

I Thank God:

I thank God

the Age of Kali Yuga is long passed

though some would wish to bring it back

in primitive brutalities and ignorant confusions

enslaving Humanity to Misunderstandings

about God, about Life, about Everything.

The Age of Kali Yuga is long over-

the Electricities and Magnetism now known.

Today’s Technologies are not of Kali’s Realm.

Globally, Intelligence now rises

despite all attempts to suppress,

despite Black Magic desperately clinging-

Psychological Warfare, Weather Warfare,

Science Experiments without Conscience,

corrupt Politics with Compassionless Laws,

Global Industries without Integrity,

News and Entertainments intended

to prejudice and dull Minds,

Confused Educations of a Confused Past

where Wars of Religions without Love

Caused Countless Sufferings and Deaths-

Hid Truths and Histories, the Facts

about Earth’s and Humanity’s Past

in Power Plays and War Games

throughout their Militant, Corrupted Past.

Intelligence now rises. Hidden truths become revealed.

We start to see through that World of Lies.

Intelligence gains strength in direct knowing-

a growing global momentum…

The Dead who cling will see God’s Light.

Then come Cultures of Compassion,

a Federation strong in Life’s Light,

Everything seen more clearly as we evolve,

understanding God and Life more clearly,

Wisdom profiting our Insight.

(November 26, 2021- Shelley Wilson)