What Will We Bring?

What will be bring to the heavens

with the sciences of our species

exploring the vast cosmic seas?

Will we bring our human proclivities,

the dark and light of vices and virtues,

versions of God in religions we choose,

‘divine right’ and ‘might is right’

philosophies, commands for exploitation,

violent aggression and domination,

current moralities, hierarchical views?

Will we bring our spiritual tendencies,

compassion, kindness and caring,

curiosity, courage and daring,

expanding awareness, evolving visions

of Life and of who we are?

Will we be just like the other gods

exploring Life among the stars?

(February 22, 2021-

Shelley Wilson)

Space Exploitations


(Universe  One- my digital music composition)


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Space Exploitations…


You, who have gone before,

jumping Space and Time to explore,

we also wish to come out and play,

expanding Life in our own way.


We`ll bring flowers to inhospitable Mars,

that fearsome god of ancient wars
whose offspring taught us very well
how War is ever living hell.


We’ll bring laughter to the Moons,
as we play our lively tunes,
mining orbs for all they’re worth
to enrich the richest of our Earth.


We’ll bring enslaving old beliefs
dressed up in words of love and peace.
We’ll guarantee our Human crews
pay their taxes and their dues.


You, among the stars, we so yearn
to understand and quickly learn
how you do this- in your own way.
Please- let us too- come out to play!
August 20, 2012

May your Spirit shine brightly, Shelley