Play It Again…

Play It Again…

a song a film a game

plays over again again again…

a feeling of deja vu…

here we’ve done it again

with ifs and wishes and dreams…

it all seems so familiar

your clothes your face your hair

have we done it all before

it feels like we’ve been

playing out another version

of a story lived before…

you see me and i see you

a dance of time in repetition

same rhythms same pace

moving through space and place

yet open to free will choice

moving in differently directions

moving together again…

have we done this before

how do i seem to know you

i’ve always loved your…

but you’ve never seen it before…

many open potential-portals

many entrance and exit points…

someone i’d like you to meet…

do you move forward or retreat

oh- perhaps another time…

or- will i see you again

it all depends… how do you feel

please don’t take that…

i have a feeling you say…

or- why don’t we take a chance

i have a good feeling i say…

a song a film a game a life

shall we play it over again

shall we add a few revisions

to words to dids and didn’ts

perhaps cut and redo it again…

March 10, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

I Hear The Robin Sing

resonating reverberating rippling sound energy everywhere

I Hear The Robin Sing

i hear the robin sing sweet

songs in tune with my soul

once to me a herald of spring

now even a winter companion

a herald of spring in my soul

a song in my heart- my mind

composing many bird symphonies

uplifting and endearing

music of soul and heart and mind

resonating reverberating rippling

into the cosmos forever

first here- then there-

there and there and there…

i hear the robin sing sweet

its song spreads into the cosmos

sound energy everywhere…

those able to hear its song

have their own signature sounds

spreading out in the cosmos too

sound energy everywhere

whether or not we hear them too…

March 9, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC