Love Sees Beauty

A souvenir picture from this Winter, frost on the rear window of my car. 💙

Love Sees Beauty

Love sees Beauty in ‘imperfections’,

in the ‘ordinary and common’ sights,

in the chaos that births creation

where awe and wonder delights.

Love sees Beauty present in every form

though judged by many a human-

feet, ears, nose judged ‘too big’, ‘too small’,

‘too little’ fat or ‘too much’,

‘too short’ in stature, ‘too tall’,

‘bad hair day’, no hair at all,

warts, pimples, scars and wrinkles-

Love sees Beauty through it all.

Love sees treasures of Beauty

in rocks, in weeds, in grasses that sway,

in taken-for-granted inventions,

in Nature’s abstract and fractal formations,

in sunset skies reflected on water,

in weather ‘events’ or calm of a day.

Love sees Beauty in the artist’s mess

transforming chaos into creations-

spills, sound-jumbles, rips, smudges, smears,

trash-treasures, excavations, explosions

moving dirt to build, to form

something new like the formation of stars.

Love sees Beauty through it all.

We see through the ‘eyes’ of God

when we see through Love for all.

March 27, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

I Wonder

I Wonder

I wonder about many things- things beyond my intellectual and emotional comprehension as well as those things I think and feel that I understand in some small measure.

‘How great Thou art’ I often say to Life, to God Present in the Essential Nature of Every Being and in Every Atom of Everything, in the Forces and Elements of Nature and in the Great Mystery Beyond Everything- the Great Oneness of It All.

I wonder about ‘big things’ and ‘small’.

This morning I was wondering about our Human uses of Earth’s Resources. Where would we be in our Technologies of Information and Communication, our Technologies of Transportation, our Manufacturing and Distribution of so much of our Building Materials, our Furniture, our Adornments, our Medical Technologies, our Food Production, our Basic Needs and Comforts and Entertainments that we enjoy- if not for Mining whether judged by some as ‘exploitations’ or ‘wise use’ by others? How would we be living without our Mining Industries?

Even more ‘Technologically Primitive’ Civilizations Mined to create Weapons and Utensils, Mining from Earth’s Resources too. How would they have lived without Mining?

When we are Mining the Moon, the Asteroids and the Planets, like Mars, how will Humanity benefit? Will very few benefit, as it is today? Or, will our Insatiable Need for Weapons to solve Problems, resulting in Extensive and Irrational Inventories of Weapons with the Profiting Need for their Use so more can be made, work to create our End? Will we create better Solutions through Spiritual Evolution of Understandings and Actions before we Self-Destruct? I wonder.

We are Complex Creatures, even more Complex than our present Machines, though A.I. in Machines is Advancing rapidly with our help- to the Point where it may soon go Beyond Serving us into Completely Ruling us. Our Creation, our Machine World, may Replace us Bit By Bit, Part By Part. We may laugh and scoff now, but what will we Become?

Where are we heading as we ‘Advance’, as we Move Forward? How will we Change Direction if we don’t like where we’re headed? How do we Navigate a Path Between Extremes?

As Individuals, we just pop in and out of Life Here on Earth. Where is our Collective Free Will of Humanity- as a Species of Human Animals and as Spirits in God-given Flesh- taking us?

In this Century, we have Almost taken some Exits from Life Here, as has happened with other Species. That Potential is now with us every single Day through those in Power (elected or not) as well as through Transformations of the Planet Itself creating Its Own Solutions.

In some Timelines, we’re all no longer here. I wonder what the Story of This Timeline will be?

January 16, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

Filters of Beliefs

In a Universe of Wavesines

by which all come and go,

we see through our Beliefs

and then we ‘Make It So’.

We see our World through Filters

as those Beliefs we hold,

creating our Realities

from that which we are told.

Beliefs Filter our Perceptions

in Sciences, Religions, Philosophies,

holding or changing Paradigms

in Social, Political Ideologies.

We see all Life through Filters.

For some, it’s all about ‘Sacrifice’

to appease and please ‘Lesser Gods’,

believing ‘Everything Has a Price’.

For some, it’s all about ‘Conquest’

and the need to Dominate

as a way to Demonstrate

that They are Truly ‘Great’.

For some, it’s all about ‘Sex’,

the Filter of ‘Freudian Analysis’,

the Filter of Sex as ‘Weapon’ or ‘Tool’

for Blame and Shame or Life and Bliss.

For some, it’s all ‘Experiment’

created with Conscience or not,

Problem Solvers and Problem Creators

finding ‘Workable Solutions’ sought.

Through our Filtering Beliefs,

Filtered Colours or Black and White,

we thrive in wondrous beauty bright

or shroud our World in ugliness-

dark and devoid of Love’s pure Light.

In Subtler Densities called ‘Death’,

we all move to and fro,

seeing through Filters of Belief

and creating as we go.

What is our Contribution

to this Universe of Wavesines?

What do we Humans hold

in our own Hearts and Minds?

May 26, 2022- Shelley Wilson

Picture Puzzles

Poetry In A New Paradigm

Picture Puzzles

Picture Puzzles Help To Teach Us

the Great Value of Flexible Thinking,

to Seek and Expand Our Understandings,

to Just Set Aside What Doesn’t Work

When Linking Pieces to Others-

‘Clues’ that Just Don’t Fit, or

‘Clues’ that Fit But Don’t ‘Actually’ Fit-

to Continue to Look For Answers

Even When Seeing the Picture Whole

In Healthy Humility As We Grow-

Always Something More To Know…

Puzzles Teach Appreciation For Uncertainties,

the Value of Honest Doubt- the Value

of Questions With Need For Evidence,

For a Willingness to Question ‘Dog-mas’-

that of Our Own or Others-

Valid Yet Incomplete Answers,

‘Collars’ that Fit but Don’t ‘Actually’ Fit-

a Willingness to Move Forward

to Higher, Wider, Deeper Understandings

that Help Us Collectively To Grow…

Some Puzzles Become More and More ‘Complex’

Exercises of a Mental Evolution

Where Intuition Breaks Through

to Aid Powers Of Intelligence,

Where Curiosity First Leads Us

To Explore Piece By Piece, Bit By Bit,

With Logic and Powers of Deduction,

With Shape and Pattern Recognition

Then To Sudden Leaps In Awareness

Beyond The Computer Mind-

a Direct, Intuitive Knowing

Then Comes To Our ‘Defence’-

an Inner Force ‘Activates’

When We Truly, Truly Care-

Helping Us To Find Our Answers-

Even That ‘Missing Piece’ of the Puzzle

Hidden Under Our Own Chair…

God Is Giving Us A Whole Universe

Of Wondrous, Invisible Puzzles,

Puzzles To Invite Us All To Grow

and To Stretch Far Beyond

What We Think We Know…

September 14, 2021

Shelley Wilson