What’s the Matter?

What’s the Matter?

“What’s the matter?” we say to each other.

“What’s going on? What’s happening here.”

Religion and Science ask these Questions too,

with varied Answers throughout the Ages

held tight or slowly evolving still.

“What is Matter? What’s going on?”

“Who or What created, creates?”

These Questions have been Argued, been Answered,

Answered in Words and Numbers- in Symbols

Explaining All or Parts of the Mystery.

When ‘Answers’ mean Power and Control

to our Primitive, Young Species, some zealously seek

to Dominate and are willing to Kill, to Harm,

to Force, so certain of their ‘Right Answers’.

‘Right Answers’ attack ‘Right Answers’ still

in this Technological Space-Age Day.

Sometimes it’s a matter of ‘Language’-

different ways of Expressing, Describing,

Defining the Same ‘Values’ and Understandings-

‘Arguing Semantics’ of Religion and Science.

Consider this, if you will.

From the Unseen comes the Seen

ever returning to the Unseen…

From the Formless comes the Forms

ever returning to the Formless…

From Spirit comes Matter-

the Formless in Forms of Matter

ever returning to Formless Spirit again…

From Pure Energy comes Matter

Transforming and Rearranging

Life like Jesus coming again-

Life like Buddhas reincarnating-

Life like Particles appearing, rearranging again…

Impersonal Forces and Processes, Personal Deities…

Impersonal Laws like Gravity

and Personal Saviours like Jesus

throughout World History…

Unseen-Seen, Formless-Forms,

Spirit-Pure Energy-Matter All One…

Life Itself-Nature respected or disrespected…

all Interconnected, a Unity Diverse,

a Unity of Life, seen or unseen by Humans

even ‘Arguing Semantics’ and perceiving Life

through their shared or different World Views…

We are Spirit, Energy, Formless, Forms…

In Essence, we are all One- Parts of Life’s Body-

Simultaneously In Essence Being Many

yet One great and glorious Mystery, One…

God-Spirit-Pure Energy-Life Sacred and Holy

Bless Us, Every One.

February 26, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC



Faith is Hope with starlit wings.

Faith carries Courage above

stormy waters of events,

circumstances, forces

that push us hard and pull us down.

Faith lifts us high in troubled times

from Worldly cares to Heavenly realms

of understandings beautiful and sublime.

Here Higher Powers appear in glory

of awesome Wonders, enlightening,

communicating the power of words

to calm, with comforting assurance,

any fears in hearts and minds.

Here Peace is crowned and Joy is found

a Heavenly Treasure beyond all measure.

Here is where Love abounds

as Love unbounded,

not bound to limitations,

fully free in every way.

When Faith rests on things untrue,

on tangled webs of lies, held tight

in dark deceptions, conspiring agendas

linked and bound by chains of silence

holding down what’s truly true

then Faith falls through such ground

of decayed, unsound foundations,

Faith’s Trust is broken, illusions shattered,

though Faith may yet still cling to these.

Faith deceived has no Freedom,

disempowers us through Fear,

creates confusions, distorts perceptions,

warps world views, spins false news,

enslaves and carries us away

from Love as God’s True Light

to guide our lives in many ways.

Faith corrupted steals and slanders,

torments, tortures, exiles, kills,

becomes the Opposite to Love

while justifying Deadly Games

of Destruction in God’s Names.

May our Faith be ever free

to grow and change, evolve,

to lift us ever higher

to higher truths and wisdoms,

to help us see ever more clearly

Life, our lives, our planet World

and what is truly true.

December 7, 2022- Shelley Audrey Wilson-

Victoria BC

I Thank God

Sunlight Through Raindrops:

I Thank God:

I thank God

the Age of Kali Yuga is long passed

though some would wish to bring it back

in primitive brutalities and ignorant confusions

enslaving Humanity to Misunderstandings

about God, about Life, about Everything.

The Age of Kali Yuga is long over-

the Electricities and Magnetism now known.

Today’s Technologies are not of Kali’s Realm.

Globally, Intelligence now rises

despite all attempts to suppress,

despite Black Magic desperately clinging-

Psychological Warfare, Weather Warfare,

Science Experiments without Conscience,

corrupt Politics with Compassionless Laws,

Global Industries without Integrity,

News and Entertainments intended

to prejudice and dull Minds,

Confused Educations of a Confused Past

where Wars of Religions without Love

Caused Countless Sufferings and Deaths-

Hid Truths and Histories, the Facts

about Earth’s and Humanity’s Past

in Power Plays and War Games

throughout their Militant, Corrupted Past.

Intelligence now rises. Hidden truths become revealed.

We start to see through that World of Lies.

Intelligence gains strength in direct knowing-

a growing global momentum…

The Dead who cling will see God’s Light.

Then come Cultures of Compassion,

a Federation strong in Life’s Light,

Everything seen more clearly as we evolve,

understanding God and Life more clearly,

Wisdom profiting our Insight.

(November 26, 2021- Shelley Wilson)

Picture Puzzles

Poetry In A New Paradigm

Picture Puzzles

Picture Puzzles Help To Teach Us

the Great Value of Flexible Thinking,

to Seek and Expand Our Understandings,

to Just Set Aside What Doesn’t Work

When Linking Pieces to Others-

‘Clues’ that Just Don’t Fit, or

‘Clues’ that Fit But Don’t ‘Actually’ Fit-

to Continue to Look For Answers

Even When Seeing the Picture Whole

In Healthy Humility As We Grow-

Always Something More To Know…

Puzzles Teach Appreciation For Uncertainties,

the Value of Honest Doubt- the Value

of Questions With Need For Evidence,

For a Willingness to Question ‘Dog-mas’-

that of Our Own or Others-

Valid Yet Incomplete Answers,

‘Collars’ that Fit but Don’t ‘Actually’ Fit-

a Willingness to Move Forward

to Higher, Wider, Deeper Understandings

that Help Us Collectively To Grow…

Some Puzzles Become More and More ‘Complex’

Exercises of a Mental Evolution

Where Intuition Breaks Through

to Aid Powers Of Intelligence,

Where Curiosity First Leads Us

To Explore Piece By Piece, Bit By Bit,

With Logic and Powers of Deduction,

With Shape and Pattern Recognition

Then To Sudden Leaps In Awareness

Beyond The Computer Mind-

a Direct, Intuitive Knowing

Then Comes To Our ‘Defence’-

an Inner Force ‘Activates’

When We Truly, Truly Care-

Helping Us To Find Our Answers-

Even That ‘Missing Piece’ of the Puzzle

Hidden Under Our Own Chair…

God Is Giving Us A Whole Universe

Of Wondrous, Invisible Puzzles,

Puzzles To Invite Us All To Grow

and To Stretch Far Beyond

What We Think We Know…

September 14, 2021

Shelley Wilson