
These are Spring Flowers in my Container Garden


Three Great World Religions-

Many Followers feuding and killing

throughout long traumatized Ages

of still evident, Primitive Man,

still feuding and killing,

still claiming or blaming all

this Insanity as Love for God,

even Losses as Acts of God.

Long ago and even now…

Many sought a War-Lord Messiah

to Save them from Slavery,

those Obedient, Faithful,

‘Destined’ to Rule the World-

those Best and Chosen Few

(Right Religion, especially Right Genes too!)

Many sought a Revelation Judgment Day,

an Army of Angels, a War-Lord Saviour

(though a Prince of Peace- being

a Contradiction to say the least!)

returning in Glory to Rule Earth –

subduing Opposition, here again

to gather the Obedient Elect-those Few

Worthy, God-Fearing Faithful- to Save them

from Apocalypse Horrors-

to bring them (willingly without Loved Ones)

to a Gated, Gold and Harp Heaven,

sending the rest to ‘Everlasting Hell’

of Tortures and Torments

(that’s some God of Compassion!).

Many sought a War-Lord Prophet,

a Militant Leader of Faithful, Obedient,

those ‘Fight to the Death’ Believers

in a Holy War for Earth and Above

(Paradise with Sensual Pleasures too-

For Men Only, a Harem of Beauties!)

Three Great World Religions-

Many Followers feuding and killing-

all in the Names of their Faith,

‘paying for their tickets’ to versions

of an After Death State of Happiness,

forgetting God as Pure Love and Compassion-

Not At War With Life In Any Way.

We are such a young Species-

even now, so Many, sadly, unhappily, see

through Filtered Distortions and Views,

the Nature of God, the Nature of Life,

the Nature and Power of True Love.

God is Peace and Joy and Love.

April 7, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

What’s the Matter?

What’s the Matter?

“What’s the matter?” we say to each other.

“What’s going on? What’s happening here.”

Religion and Science ask these Questions too,

with varied Answers throughout the Ages

held tight or slowly evolving still.

“What is Matter? What’s going on?”

“Who or What created, creates?”

These Questions have been Argued, been Answered,

Answered in Words and Numbers- in Symbols

Explaining All or Parts of the Mystery.

When ‘Answers’ mean Power and Control

to our Primitive, Young Species, some zealously seek

to Dominate and are willing to Kill, to Harm,

to Force, so certain of their ‘Right Answers’.

‘Right Answers’ attack ‘Right Answers’ still

in this Technological Space-Age Day.

Sometimes it’s a matter of ‘Language’-

different ways of Expressing, Describing,

Defining the Same ‘Values’ and Understandings-

‘Arguing Semantics’ of Religion and Science.

Consider this, if you will.

From the Unseen comes the Seen

ever returning to the Unseen…

From the Formless comes the Forms

ever returning to the Formless…

From Spirit comes Matter-

the Formless in Forms of Matter

ever returning to Formless Spirit again…

From Pure Energy comes Matter

Transforming and Rearranging

Life like Jesus coming again-

Life like Buddhas reincarnating-

Life like Particles appearing, rearranging again…

Impersonal Forces and Processes, Personal Deities…

Impersonal Laws like Gravity

and Personal Saviours like Jesus

throughout World History…

Unseen-Seen, Formless-Forms,

Spirit-Pure Energy-Matter All One…

Life Itself-Nature respected or disrespected…

all Interconnected, a Unity Diverse,

a Unity of Life, seen or unseen by Humans

even ‘Arguing Semantics’ and perceiving Life

through their shared or different World Views…

We are Spirit, Energy, Formless, Forms…

In Essence, we are all One- Parts of Life’s Body-

Simultaneously In Essence Being Many

yet One great and glorious Mystery, One…

God-Spirit-Pure Energy-Life Sacred and Holy

Bless Us, Every One.

February 26, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

Another Perspective

How easily we believe what we’re told through gossip, the modern Media and the Scriptural News of old slanted to steer behaviours through trained perspectives, beliefs and World Views. Even our questions are coloured lines, patterned attitudes and contained beliefs- those old ‘boxes’ in which we see Life and from within which we create our collective and individual experiences. When we choose to step out of one such box created in a distant past, we often jump into another. Out of the box, we become a threat to the ‘status quo’ as heretics, unbelievers, doubters, exiles and outcasts.

I am reminded of Hagar, the ancient bondwoman of Sarah, wife of Abraham- a tribal chieftain who entertained the ‘men of God’ with food and drink and who agreed to a pact, a contract to fight in their wars in return for great promises. The identities of these men who ate, drank and threw bones to predict and tell fortunes have been translated now as ‘messengers of God’ and as ‘angels’ and as ‘God’. I am guessing that they were actually part of some ancient religious order with ties to extraterrestrials fighting for control of Earth. Just a guess, of course. I could be wrong.

Hagar is portrayed as a jealous servant who deserved to be cast out of the camp with her child to die in the desert when Sarah had given birth to her own son. He was to be the ‘rightful heir’ to promises of power, riches and many offspring with the help of these ‘angels of God’, ‘messengers’, ‘men of God’. The Scriptures ‘testify’ to this ‘contract’ of promises in return for warriors.

Seen from another perspective, Hagar was an Egyptian ‘bond-gift’ given to serve Sarah, the beautiful woman desired and favoured by the Pharaoh of that time. Hagar was forced to serve Sarah, attend to her needs like combing her hair- a personal attendant much like later ‘ladies of the court’. Hagar was forced to have sex with Sarah’s husband, believing false promises, in order to produce a surrogate child for Sarah by her command. Then, when Sarah, herself, was ‘miraculously’ inseminated, suddenly fertile, giving birth to her own child, both Hagar and her offspring became a threat to Sarah and her son. An excuse to be rid of them was easily created. Such circumstances with intrigues have been repeated in places of power throughout history.

Hagar was made into a symbol of powerless bondage and slavery while Sarah became a symbol of freedom, grace and God’s favour- all to justify and sanctify struggle for power ‘rightly won’.The consequences of these ancient actions have spread ripple effects through time even to this day.

From Sarah’s perspective, she did what was ‘right and just’ for herself and her son. Hagar was in bondage and had no rights, especially the right to glorified power, so Hagar was ‘in the wrong’ to assume power for her son despite false promises made to her by Abraham and Sarah herself. I am guessing that it did not ever occur to Sarah that bondage and slavery itself was ‘wrong’ and spiritually unjustifiable. The primitive culture of her time and of primitive cultures before her had accepted and lived in those ‘boxes of belief’ that bondage and slavery were acceptable, right, just,and the ‘will of their God’ as told by ‘men of God’. She’d believe this without question.

It’s amazing how men and women of intelligence fail to question the ‘status quo’’ even today. It’s also amazing how men and women of intelligence fail to see the ample contradictory evidence of a capricious God of Love and Condemnation, Love and Damnation, of Loving and Hating, of Comforting Grace and Angry Revenge, of Ultimate Power and Complete Powerlessness except through Fear and Need for Sacrifice- both animals and human life. Such versions and visions of the Creator, God, were brought to us by ‘men of God’ in many ancient cultures. How great the needless suffering has been because of this!

We must rise out of our ‘boxes of beliefs’ to a higher perspective, like a higher view seen of the Earth, a higher World View, and come to realize that we are all one, a unity of Life expressing diversity. Then we shall see God everywhere through new eyes, new ‘I’s’, as a more highly evolved Humanity. The assumption here is that we don’t destroy ourselves and our precious home planet first.

November 13, 2022

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

God Recycles Life We Are Life

God Recycles Life We Are Life

Don’t believe this. I don’t care.

God recycles Galaxies. God recycles Life,

another Name for God. Call It what you like.

Heaven is Home. We don’t have to stay there.

We can take on any form. We are Life.

Our form has gender but we do not.

Our form has race but we do not.

Our form has age but we do not.

We take on any form. We are Life.

Don’t believe this. I don’t care.

What the Ancients didn’t know

they made up, passed on in Stories.

Science wants Proof of Theories.

Old Theories are Religion’s Sacred Beliefs.

Religion kills those of Different Beliefs

creating Laws and Edicts even now,

the ever present Muse of Politics.

Even Children die for ‘Wrong Beliefs’.

Soon comes the mighty power of A.I.

Resistance is futile. Assimilate or die.

Will this end the Human Story?

Are we creating our Solution

to Human ignorance and pollution,

giving our lives over to A.I.?

Are we choosing our Evolution

to be the Robots of A.I.?

Don’t believe this. I don’t care.

God recycles Galaxies. God recycles Life.

We can take on any form. We are Life.

(July 1, 2021- Shelley Wilson)