Food Is A Global Language

There is love in this food made by family and friend 💕✨

Food Is A Global Language

Food is a Universal Language,

a Language well understood by Animals

that giving and receiving conveys.

Food is a Universal Language,

a Language understood by Humans as well-

growing, preparing raw or cooked, hot or cold,

made and served with indifference

or enchanted by a wholesome love.

Like plants know soil, water- bodies do too,

communicating good or ill health.

Food speaks of pleasure, nourishment, health,

artistry and whether or not we care.

March 2, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

World View

World View

We’ve evolved to understand

the State of our World View-

that how wee see the World

is what we think and say and do.

Familiar Comforts of Traditions

in Cultures and Religions too,

passed on through Generations,

hold or bind us to our Past

Inspiring or even Oppressing

until we’re ‘Free At Last’.

What do we Welcome or Oppose?

What do we Embrace or Refuse?

How do we engage others-

especially those Different?

Is our Choice the Good Will Voice

of Tolerance and Acceptance

or is it Defence and Offence?

Is it Debate or Argument?

Debate can be a way

for us to Decide and Choose

what is still or now true for us,

whether ‘win’ or ‘lose’,

depending on our World Views.

Different perspectives,

even opposing viewpoints

in respectful discussions

can persuade and sway

with healthy conversations,

minds and hearts at work and play.

Rational Reason and Healthy Emotion

then align to have their say.

Arguments with fair Solutions

can vent and clear the air,

changing conditions and situations

among those who truly care

but often Hostility leads to Futility

creating Misery everywhere.

What we think and say and do

all depends on our World View

inherited through Generations,

Cultural and Religious Traditions,

Mass Entertainments and Educations,

all contributing to our World View.

January 15, 2022- Shelley Wilson