unloving love

Thank you! Thank you All!

Thank you Lights and Shadows

in us, all around, and ‘above’,

for helping us to See and Heal

all of our unloving love.

We begin to remember

Everything as One.

Our inner eyes open

and our Freedom is won.

In forms and formless,

as creators and created,

we See the plays of Light and Shadow

of which we are a part,

both being and becoming One.

Now we begin to See.

In all Realities and Dimensions,

we are All One being Many,

a glorious Spectrum,

a glorious Spectrum

of Diversity and Divinity,

a Spectrum of Lights and Shadows,

of Powers, Energies, Densities,

Individualities, Galaxies,

visible and invisible,

in us, around us, and ‘above’.

Lights and Shadows-

we Respect your Power

exercised for good or ill.

You teach us well

as we grow into our own.

Once Awake and Aware…

We are God’s information

and ever part of Source.

We are diamonds forming.

Press on! Press on!

Thank you Angels and Demons

in us, around, and ‘above’

for helping to release us

from creating more prisons

of our unloving love.

From dull coal to sparkling diamonds

we transform

for the sake of All beings

all that once was

into Most Benevolent Outcomes

for All,

graced by true Love’s cause.

Thank you! Thank you All!

(Shelley Wilson- September 4, 2016)


Greeting Dad

Dad slipped away quietly in his sleep today. He was 88. Now he and Mom are reunited and as joyful as two butterflies I watched circling each other as they rose straight up towards the shining sun. I wrote this poem in April 2003.

Greeting Dad

I am older than that Trickster Time

and his mercurial Mother Nature-

older than the stars and Earth

in continuous, evolving creation

with its dramas of rebirth.

I am part of ageless Spirit-

even in this ever-aging body of mine.

Yet when I greet my Dad

I become a child of three

with love-bright eyes and trusting hand.

He’s a humble man of inner strengths,

inspiring and reminding.

I’ve watched his quiet patience

master time and circumstance.

Dad is the northern wilderness to me,

the forests, the water, and the land I love.

Like a little child I see

through my heart when I greet Dad.


Go Within



 (my digital music composition ‘Every Winter Ends With Spring’)

Go within. Go within.

Close your eyes.

Let ‘Busy Thoughts’ rest.

Let ‘To Do’s sleep

for there are Treasures

in your deep space within.

Rest your mind. Rest your mind.

Just be aware.

Now you’re aware.

You are aware

of Treasures there

so deep within:

your resources,

your riches,

your wealth within,

Life’s wealth within.

Spend Time within.

Open your chest.

Open your heart

to wondrous Treasures,

transforming Treasures

you’ve carried within.

Treasures to value

are buried deep within.

Here’s Life Itself.

Here’s Brilliant Love

and Beautiful Peace,

Precious Freedom

and Sparkling Joy.

It’s all within.

Feel the wonder

of Life’s presents

in Its Presence.

…Breathe It in…

Then…breathe It out…

This is what

your life’s about.


(Shelley Wilson- 18/03/2016)




The Shift


(my digital music composition created through purchase on Catooh/Magix Music Maker- I called it ‘Love Only Love’)(I created this painting in the photo as well:)

We read the News and wonder Why

Humanity is so Impoverished, Desperate,

Oppressed by Fear, Enslaved by Greed,

MOST living without Basic Needs,

while Cultures of Violence spread everywhere.

Our News is ‘Old Stories’, History Repeated, ‘Renewsed’.

Dinosaurs of War STILL Dominate Earth.

Reptilian Gods of Aggression and Deception

with Technologies and Psychologies

STILL Command Human Blood Sacrifice,

feeding Energies of Terror and Pain

to Parasites of this and other Dimensions.

Their Global Agenda: Control the Masses-

Scripting Traditions, World Views, and Tragic Events

to bring themselves Great Wealth and Gain.

POWER OVER is the Name of their Game.

We are Deceived and made Hollow

for Reptile Hearts and Dragon Minds

UNLESS Love is Strong and Hope Remains.

Now Humans Must Learn to Question and Discern.

We Must Adapt, Grow New Senses More Aware,

to Grow in Love and Show we Dare

Be More than Fodder, Feed, and Toys.

Our God is LIFE, with Reverence for Life.

Our God is LOVE, with Respect for Life.

Our God is FREEDOM, liberating Life.

Our God is PEACE, sustaining Life.

Our God is JOY, creating Joy through Life.


We are United in Values of Life’s Worth

as Energies SHIFT to Earth’s Rebirth.


(Shelley Wilson- 09/03/2016)

Names and Numbers


(my digital music composition ‘Fragile Thread’)


How Humanity loves to Name and Count,

Name and Count, Name and Count.

We Name Numbers and Count Names.

From Birth to Death we are Names and Numbers,

Names and Numbers, Names and Numbers.

Without Name and Number, do we Exist?

Did we ever Exist?

We Measure and Weigh our Beingness

through Names and Numerical Scripts.

We see all Life through Lenses of Name and Number.

Everything must have a Name. An I.D.

‘Flora’, ‘Fauna’, the ‘Elements’, ‘God’, et al…

We Multiply Languages. We Multiply Names.

Everything must be Counted and Measured.

Observe. Record. Teach. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…

Memorize. Computerize. Robotize…

Through Filters of Prejudice we Create and Destroy

using Powers of Numbers and Names.

The Civility of Civilizations is Measured

by Names and Numbers. Tested. Observed.

And so it is with us

and all Species who Name and Count

among the Nameless, Countless Stars.