Tracks Through Time

Tracks Through Time
Look here and see these tracks through time,
these words, this grounded page
that clues the ever longed for sign
transforming death to life again.
Look there. See how the tracks lead back
by way of tree and plant and stone
messengers of thoughts thought dead
returned to love of life when read.
Fear not these life signs that you read.
Explore imprinted paths that lead
through changing cycles of life without end,
dancing universe circles that even leap and bend.
Trek the space of evolving human history
that dares choose to travel through mystery.
Gather the stars as you pass by
on shoes that touch on ‘how’ and ‘why’.
Reveal your energy signatures’ creative passion
formed like precious metals that fashion
lives. Like trails of crumbs in many ways
our triune nature can amaze.
Walk the footprints, dance the life
of rhythms marked by joy and strife.
See the traceable journey continue on
through wonders and mysteries far beyond.
January, 2006