A Quilting Story

Stitching by hand and by machine, I made this large quilt for my son
My son has an interest in Astronomy so I purchased this material and hand quilted it in random lines. I’ve also made a lap quilt for my daughter and before that a ‘postage stamp’ style quilt as well.

A Quilting Story

Growing up, I watched my Mother, Dixie, develop many interests including Quilting.

Quilting Books, templates, fabrics of all kinds gradually filled up her ‘Sewing Room’. We often said that she could open her own fabric shop, amused by the volume of textiles added to her collection of many yarns, sewing machines, threads and just about every accessory ever invented for Sewing, Knitting and Quilting. As well as learning needlework from her Mother, Dorothy, she took adult courses at the local highschool for Sewing and Quilting. She also had lessons from a professional Quilter in that lady’s home when Mom was boarding there to attend a college training course to be a Registered Nursing Aide. Mom excelled in her nursing because she genuinely cared. Her passion for Quilting led her to create a total of about five baby quilts I’m told. I never actually saw them but I’m sure they were cherished gifts.

As for the fabrics, well, she brought most of her years of gathered inventory to a Church craft and yard sale. Dad and I helped Mom set up her tables piled high with many colours, patterns, textures and lengths of material. It was a sight to behold. It all sold.

For about $100.00 an excited Vietnamese refugee couple sponsored by Church members became the enthusiastic possessors of thousands of dollars of fabric . Mom was so pleased to help them out. She made $300.00 that day. I still recall seeing Dad’s face as he quietly chuckled and shook his head. As did I.

March 18, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC