Owl Tales and Photos

A Note To My Previous Post: Owl Tales

‘Owl’ tell you something else.

Pharaoh/Queen Hatshepsut was part Nubian.

Despite all attempts to erase her name and memory, much of her constructions, relics and artifacts- like her jewellery, still exist (made by her jewellers, though claimed to be that of following rulers, a common practice of inheritance and even grave-robbing by secret royal orders- or royals claiming greatness by falsely putting their name on more ancient structures like Pharaoh Kufu-Cheops- blatantly false claims to the Pyramids.) Even today, Hatshepsut’s love poems written to and with Solomon (called The Songs of Solomon) still exist, though confusingly interpreted now as ‘Holy Scripture’. Well, ‘everything is the meaning we give it’.

This Pharaoh/Queen Hatshepsut, chosen by her Father and fully Initiated, ruled Upper and Lower Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, a part of the Arabian Peninsula called Saba (Sheba)…and other Tribute Lands, trading extensively throughout the surrounding areas. She travelled to ‘Punt’, the Egyptian name for ‘the Holy Land, with exotic ‘gifts’- a ‘trade mission’- bringing her ‘entourage’ of highly skilled people, including Architects. Punt, ‘the Holy Land’, had also grown wealthy due to King Solomon’s ‘Wisdom’, his ‘Connections’, through several foreign marriages- alignments to foreign ruling families, and his Business Connections with Hiram of Tyre who owned a fleet of ships profitably transporting cargo between countries.

King Solomon was not as wealthy or powerful as Pharaoh/Queen Hatshepsut but was considered by her and her advisors as a suitable partner for a royal marriage, offspring and trade connections. All of this infuriated his powerful priests, his court and many others, as with the powerful families and priests- those power structures- of her lands. Yes, all of this became ‘translated’ into the supposed Anger of God in ‘the Holy Land’ and the Anger of the ‘Gods’ in Egypt. It became a mystery for scholars to ponder for centuries, for others to create myths or tamper with evidence and dates, and for tourist guides to repeat like gossip for a pay-check.

There’s ‘nothing new under the sun’ where Competing Powers are concerned, though most of us ‘don’t give a hoot’ unless we’re personally impacted. Many were, many still are…

Truly, we are a very young Species.

November 5, 2021

Shelley Wilson

The Legacy of Racism

The bodies of 215 Indigenous Children have now been discovered in a mass grave outside the Kelowna Indian Residential School once sponsored by the Canadian Government and run by the Roman Catholic Church. Similar histories of Abuse and Death come from Vancouver Island and elsewhere in Canada.

How could this happen here? or anywhere?

The Global Legacy of Racism in Church and State, in Religions and in Governments has ever been proclaimed as ‘The Will of God’ from ancient times until now. This ‘Will of God’ is ever a False Claim and its Legacy is Abuses of Power and Death for so many.

Governing Laws and Personal Actions based on these kinds of Religious Doctrines justifying Racism are not and never were ‘The Will of God’.

God did not create Racism. Humans did. Not only did early Humans create Racism and its Outcomes everywhere on Earth, they created Violent, Vengeful and Racist God(s) with Stories, Scriptures, Doctrines, Policies, Laws and Institutions to support, justify and maintain these Pyramidal Structures of Oppressive Beliefs ( Racial and Gender Supremacy, Domination and Colonization- ‘Divine Right’ and Aggression…) still evident today.

Apologies are Acknowledgements that Mistakes have been made. To Heal, Humanity must objectively, thoroughly Examine and Understand All Causes of Racism and then Activate True Compassion wherever Harm has been done.

My tears flow Orange today…

(May 31, 2021- Shelley Wilson)

Evolutionary Descendant

I wish with all my being

these words could last ten thousand years.

Forgive us Evolutionary Descendant,

our Future now in our Past,

Traveller through SpaceTime,

Observer, Messenger, Hostage

to our Political and Religious Dogmas

clearly seen in action, filmed

Interrogation Inquisition- inhumane

actions of primitive mindsets

that torture and kill without conscience

any being who does not look or think like us-

your Primitive Ancestors.

I am truly sorry, so truly sorry,

for what was done to you,

our Evolutionary Descendant,

the Inheritor of our Savage Wars.

No one has all the Answers

whether ‘dead or alive’, ‘past or future’,

but I have a Message for you too.

Life Itself is the Creator, the Great I Am,

in every being and in every thing-

every drop of water, speck of dust,

in, as, everything physical and not,

in All That Is, in you and me,

in Nature, in all the Universes.

Your Future is Divine Consciousness

co-creating with the Creator in you,

Beloved Evolutionary Descendant,

regardless of Timeline events

in the Ever Only Here Only Now.

You are Ever Present, Ever Alive

Divine Freedom, Love, and Sacred Light.

It matters not in the least

whatever forms we take, Dear One,

our Evolutionary Descendant.

April 16, 2021- Shelley Wilson