My Vancouver Island Shawl

This Shawl began as a Scarf I designed in 2017 and perhaps finished yesterday.

My Vancouver Island Shawl

This is a revised creation I call

my Vancouver Island Shawl.

It will keep me snuggly warm

as when my Husband Lover’s arms

wrapped around me in embraces,

those youthful, Not Forgotten Days

‘midst Northern Ontario wilderness.

That Lovely Land of Lakes and Rivers

saw many a hug and a kiss

as I now fondly recall.

I am drawn to quote myself

of something I once wrote:

She Said To Him…

Come lie with me on the soft green moss

in the heat of this summer’s day

and I’ll give you delicious, impassioned kisses

to take your breath away.

Let Nature witness our wild love-sport

among the spruce and pines-

hunting rare ecstasies with our senses-

tracking each other’s pleasure signs.

Deep, desperate growls and surrendering moans

will guide us on our way,

bringing us stealthily toward the unity

of Love predator and prey.

Now those Days are long gone.

With my Memories, I Moved On.

I know I am where I Belong.

Once again, I gained through loss.

Everywhere I look it seems

the fulfillment of strange dreams,

the kind I can’t ignore.

I’ve known this Island long before

I was This Version of my Soul…

Is my Poem finished? I don’t know.

January 21, 2023

Note- the poem ‘She Said To Him’ was written in August 1996 and revised in April 2014

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC