Immersed In Beauty

This poem has no date on it so I’ve forgotten when I wrote it. I will have to dig through my alphabetical paper copies to find that info should I wish to know.

I retired in 2015 from working many years in flower shops as a floral designer so this poem was probably imagining that ‘indoor garden’ from memories of working with flowers.

I must confess that time pressures for creating and the delivery of flowers, along with flower availability and sometimes unrealistic expectations of costs of product and artistry can impact that heavenly feeling. 😂

Immersed In Beauty

In the garden,

a mass of colours

surround us here

as fragrance wafts

throughout the air.

In the studio,

buckets of flowers

sit on tables and floor

while in the cooler

rest many more

awaiting the artistry

of our creations.

An indoor garden

all year round,

this is a Heaven

where blossoms abound.

(Shelley Audrey Wilson)

Flowers and Leaves

I thought I’d written ‘The End’ to all my years of writing A Heart Mined Book but then found myself ‘Continuing On’, only ‘Resting’ a moment it seems… May my words be Flowers and Leaves growing healthy though vulnerable, strong- creating beauty with intention in a mad world of war machines…

May 16, 2024

Flowerpoet and Flowerwriter

Shelley A. Wilson


British Columbia, Canada