
These are Spring Flowers in my Container Garden


Three Great World Religions-

Many Followers feuding and killing

throughout long traumatized Ages

of still evident, Primitive Man,

still feuding and killing,

still claiming or blaming all

this Insanity as Love for God,

even Losses as Acts of God.

Long ago and even now…

Many sought a War-Lord Messiah

to Save them from Slavery,

those Obedient, Faithful,

‘Destined’ to Rule the World-

those Best and Chosen Few

(Right Religion, especially Right Genes too!)

Many sought a Revelation Judgment Day,

an Army of Angels, a War-Lord Saviour

(though a Prince of Peace- being

a Contradiction to say the least!)

returning in Glory to Rule Earth –

subduing Opposition, here again

to gather the Obedient Elect-those Few

Worthy, God-Fearing Faithful- to Save them

from Apocalypse Horrors-

to bring them (willingly without Loved Ones)

to a Gated, Gold and Harp Heaven,

sending the rest to ‘Everlasting Hell’

of Tortures and Torments

(that’s some God of Compassion!).

Many sought a War-Lord Prophet,

a Militant Leader of Faithful, Obedient,

those ‘Fight to the Death’ Believers

in a Holy War for Earth and Above

(Paradise with Sensual Pleasures too-

For Men Only, a Harem of Beauties!)

Three Great World Religions-

Many Followers feuding and killing-

all in the Names of their Faith,

‘paying for their tickets’ to versions

of an After Death State of Happiness,

forgetting God as Pure Love and Compassion-

Not At War With Life In Any Way.

We are such a young Species-

even now, so Many, sadly, unhappily, see

through Filtered Distortions and Views,

the Nature of God, the Nature of Life,

the Nature and Power of True Love.

God is Peace and Joy and Love.

April 7, 2023

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, BC

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