A Dream

A Dream…
I sat at the feet of the Buddha,
a man of flesh and blood to me.
I had to let go all my fine jewelry,
so rich and admired, so dear to me.
The Buddha enlightened, enlightening,
sharing his welcomed, hard-earned wisdom,
resonated, awakened and helped me
to find my own Middle Path, helped me
to ‘let go’ my small, dreaming ‘me’.
I found what mind and heart were seeking…
entering a stream of Cosmic Consciousness,
immersing back into Its glorious Oneness,
merging with the No-Thing that is Every-Thing,
blissful, peaceful, loving, even laughing.
Veils of Forgetfulness fall. Veils of Memory lift.
Remembering our Spirit, we see through
our Illusions- all our magical, creative Life-Dreams.
What did I find in Nirvana of Bliss?
On awakening, I found the Nirvana within,
Heaven-the Kingdom-Paradise, all within,
the Light, God’s Pure Love, Life Itself, all within.
On waking, I found the Source-Life within,
Peace, Joy, Love, Freedom, all within-
the True Nature of all- nothing superior
as parts of One Whole, the All and so
no one actually ‘holier than thou’ but
reminders, messengers, teachers remembering-
enlightening-awakening us to who we are
and gifting the wonder of what we can be.
Some call the Experience- Rapture and Revelation
Self-Realized, Actualized, Experienced…
some just ‘Argue Semantics’ still
while others Still in Silence going within.
Sitting at the feet of the Buddha-
was it a ‘real’ memory, another ‘dream’
within the Dream, you may wonder.
You get to decide, to choose the meaning-
even explain to exercise thinking
as you dance the Mind around
in the rhythms of your own Dream.
February 28, 2023
Shelley Audrey Wilson
Victoria, BC

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