We Dance Around The Sun

Round and round and round,

we dance around the Sun

repeating our old Tales

of glorious Victories won.

Life triumphs over Death-

New Versions of Old Themes

repeat, repeat, repeat-

heroic struggles, great deeds done.

Despite the schemes of enemies,

Life’s Victory is won.

We dance around the Sun

through Light and Dark and Light

celebrating Life reborn, renewed-

even Victory in Defeat

when Cycles of Life repeat.

We dance around the Sun

through Solstice and Equinox-

new Cycles born of old,

new Heroes and Stories told-

new Versions of ancient Themes-

the Miracles of Virgin Births,

Battles of Good and Evil Actions

as Heroic Life again unfolds,

even Sacrifices and Self-sacrifices

into seeming Death and Defeat.

Then come the Resurrections-

Osiris, Jesus and cherished others

through Mythologies and Histories,

repeating Stories foretold

with heavenly Ascensions

and Wonders to behold.

We circle round and round our Star

seeking to Remember Who We Are

and celebrating the Few who do-

the Triumph of Life in me and you.

November 22, 2022

Shelley Audrey Wilson

Victoria, B.C.

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