World View

World View

We’ve evolved to understand

the State of our World View-

that how wee see the World

is what we think and say and do.

Familiar Comforts of Traditions

in Cultures and Religions too,

passed on through Generations,

hold or bind us to our Past

Inspiring or even Oppressing

until we’re ‘Free At Last’.

What do we Welcome or Oppose?

What do we Embrace or Refuse?

How do we engage others-

especially those Different?

Is our Choice the Good Will Voice

of Tolerance and Acceptance

or is it Defence and Offence?

Is it Debate or Argument?

Debate can be a way

for us to Decide and Choose

what is still or now true for us,

whether ‘win’ or ‘lose’,

depending on our World Views.

Different perspectives,

even opposing viewpoints

in respectful discussions

can persuade and sway

with healthy conversations,

minds and hearts at work and play.

Rational Reason and Healthy Emotion

then align to have their say.

Arguments with fair Solutions

can vent and clear the air,

changing conditions and situations

among those who truly care

but often Hostility leads to Futility

creating Misery everywhere.

What we think and say and do

all depends on our World View

inherited through Generations,

Cultural and Religious Traditions,

Mass Entertainments and Educations,

all contributing to our World View.

January 15, 2022- Shelley Wilson

How I See It

​How I See It

Back Before the Beginning
There was Only
God Source
Back In the Beginning
Came the Creation
of the
From the Void of No-Thing,
Conscious Energy Created Matter (E=M).
Relationships and Context were born.
From the Great Divine Idea Bursting Forth
Came Dark Space and Bright Starlight.
From the Elements of Matter,
Life Energy takes on Diverse Forms
Appearing and Disappearing
As Life Constantly Transforms.
Our Life Force Moves
to and from God Source.
We Co-create our Realities
in this Universe of Dualities.
Now we Search Beyond our Planet
Moving Ahead and Looking Back.
Some Travel Outward…Some Within…
Back to our God Source Light
As That Holy Light Within.

January 14, 2022
Shelley Wilson

Puzzles That Teach

Puzzles That Teach

There’s a sense of perfect timing

when you just suddenly see

the fitting and the belonging

of things you thought mystery.

Picture puzzles have taught me much,

especially patience and humility.

You can know the Picture as Whole,

as One, with such joyful clarity

while piecing together its mystery-

pieces staring you in the face

as you wonder and search for answers-

as you ponder their pattern and place.

Sometimes right answers are wrong-

pieces that fit but don’t belong-

clues of frustration and futility

when feelings tell you something’s wrong.

Those are the times to step away

or look at them another way.

Turn it around and upside down.

Be like a little Child at play,

free and willing to be wrong

until answers truly fit and belong.

Then you’re ready to move on

to new challenges of the mind-

of mind and heart and soul-

Life’s own puzzles of every kind.

Whenever I’m ready and willing

to leave unworkable truths behind

or choose to really look once more

at puzzle pieces I might ignore,

then I surprise myself to find

what I just didn’t see before.

Whenever I face an a-mazing wall,

like a Child, I question it all.

Patterns of strife in our life,

human histories that so often repeat-

aggression, conquest, defeat-

such answers don’t belong

in the Picture of a World at Peace.

Those walls that bar Peace and confine

must puzzle us all from time to time.

The Child within us wants to play,

happy and healthy in every way.

January 11, 2022- Shelley Wilson