How Do We Heal The Human Animal

How Do We Heal The Human Animal

How do we heal the Human Animal

with Mind grown dark and devious,

Heart twisted with fear and guilt and shame,

spinning out of self-control

into Cruelty and Corruption?

How do we heal the Human Animal

fed from youth with World Views

cursed with hate and malicious intent,

seduced by drugs and alcohol,

Life given no respect or value

other than to use and abuse others

as they were used and abused themselves?

How do we heal the Human Animal

trained to spy and weaponize sex

used on popes and princes and politicians

throughout the ages everywhere

to puppet, command and control-

black magic glamourized still?

How do we heal the Human Animal

such as Men who spy on Women

in public and private bathrooms

just urinating and defecating,

after digesting then eliminating

like all Animals do everywhere?

Women might well ask themselves-

Is this the Man I want to marry?

Is this who I choose to bear my Children?

If this Male spies to get a rise,

God knows what he’d do to my Kids.

How do we heal the Human Animal

who treats other Humans this way?

January 15, 2022- Shelley Wilson

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