Translation of An Alien Language

Translation of an Alien Language as two trans-dimensional travellers pass by Earth:

“Let’s avoid that contaminated planet and its dominant species, humanoids.”

“Yes, Intel says they’re dangerously hostile and violent animals who kill their own and other species everywhere on the planet. Some of them now have spaceships and advanced weapons. They’re planning a hoax alien invasion. In a short while, they’ll self-destruct. It’s one of our ancient seeding experiments gone wrong.”

“Let’s jump to the next Timeline and see if the planet can be cleaned up and replanted.”

(May 21, 2021- Shelley Wilson)

Transparent World

Transparent World

These are the Days of Transparency.

Once we were Invisible to the World.

Some still cling to Illusions of Privacy

but now we’re all Naked to our World.

Proud or Shy, Prudish or Nudist, every Intimacy

is Revealed in Touch or Click of our Screened World.

Governments, Corporations, Military

want to Know your Inner World.

Even Those Empowered through Secrecy

must now Live in their Transparent World.

Computers with Algorithms, AI Dependency-

soon Machines will Command this World.

I welcome a World of Transparency

but will Machines make a Better World?

(May 20, 2021- Shelley Wilson)


A pop of bright orange colour… I have always associated the colour Orange with Compassion, that wonderful, universal feeling and expression of Love in Action that acts as a bridge to Understanding. Our universal, all-embracing Compassion is truly needed in these stormy times. Even those who cannot feel Forgiveness or Tolerance may find their way through Compassion.

May 19, 2021

Shelley Wilson