
A pop of bright orange colour… I have always associated the colour Orange with Compassion, that wonderful, universal feeling and expression of Love in Action that acts as a bridge to Understanding. Our universal, all-embracing Compassion is truly needed in these stormy times. Even those who cannot feel Forgiveness or Tolerance may find their way through Compassion.

May 19, 2021

Shelley Wilson

9 thoughts on “Compassion

      • For me it has been (it is from Indian ancient culture) White for purity, Blue for peace and Red (along with rust etc) for energy 😊💖

        I wear white on Mondays and Fridays ( white can be worn on all days) Red on Tuesdays and Saturdays, Blue on Wednesdays and Yellow on Thursdays 😊💖

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      • Wow! It’s lovely to find meaning in what you wear. I just go by the vibes I feel each day whether it’s colour or pattern or style. Sometimes I even change clothes if it feels right. As I get older I have become more sensitive and aware of comfort as an important factor too. Lol.

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      • That’s great! Many people gravitate to certain colours including highly spiritual people. I’m not in the category of saints and masters but I have the love of all colours including white which is all colours combined and black which is without colour. My personal favourites have been turquoise and teal for many years but most of my clothes come from thrift shops now so I’m not fussy about such things any more. Lol.

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