What Will We Bring?

What will be bring to the heavens

with the sciences of our species

exploring the vast cosmic seas?

Will we bring our human proclivities,

the dark and light of vices and virtues,

versions of God in religions we choose,

‘divine right’ and ‘might is right’

philosophies, commands for exploitation,

violent aggression and domination,

current moralities, hierarchical views?

Will we bring our spiritual tendencies,

compassion, kindness and caring,

curiosity, courage and daring,

expanding awareness, evolving visions

of Life and of who we are?

Will we be just like the other gods

exploring Life among the stars?

(February 22, 2021-

Shelley Wilson)

Weaving Completed

As ever with my weavings, Victoria The Beautiful is not perfect but it’s exactly the way I want it to be. I enjoyed the unhurried and unplanned process. Although I say it’s finished, I think perhaps I will add one or two small scrolls of my poetry and some momentos I’ve yet to gather.

The fringe on the right refers the the colour feelings I identify with this city of Victoria, BC, Canada…calm, cool and collected even in challenging times. The greens represent the mosses, lichens, leaves of trees and shrubs, the pinks and whites of the cherry trees, the purplish pinks of heathers, the yellows of broom blossoms, bright pinks and oranges of the many flowers here, the grey of the sea and sky, the blue and white of the sky on sunny days, the pebbles and rocks of the beaches, the peacock colours I identify as the vibes of this beautiful city…

As I said before, it’s not perfect but it’s exactly the way I want it to be.

The Beauty of Peacocks

God’s creations of splendorous beauty,

living symbols of Eternity…

Handsome Peacocks open to display,

inviting drab hens to come their way

to mate and procreate,

to bring more beauty to this world

of ugly jealousies and insults hurled,

self-righteous moralities, beauty maligned,

Nature oppressed and reasons to find

fault, to deny the wonders of God

revealed in the Peacocks’ eyes…

February 20, 2021

Shelley Wilson

Victoria The Beautiful

Victoria The Beautiful is the name I’ve decided to give my beaded weaving as this city on Vancouver Island is a beautiful place to live.

There are many glorious peacocks in Beacon Hill Park near my home. I always think of these wondrously divine creations when I think of Victoria.

I just have a few finishing touches to do now that the beadwork is done. Then I’ll be able to hang it on our wall if I can find a place. I seem to be running out of space. 🤣