Exploring Experiencing Evolving

Exploring, experiencing, evolving my truths, my values,

I am an expression of Life Energy being and becoming,

ever changing forms and eternally moving through the Space-Time Continuum of the Multilayered Physical Realm sequentially and simultaneously,

and the Now Here of the Vast Spiritual Realm,

and into the Divine Singularity between, the Creator Source, the Great Oneness.

I enter and return as a Life Energy being and becoming,

exploring, experiencing, evolving and eventually remembering

the Oneness of All That Is…

January 25, 2021

Shelley Wilson

Like The Weather

Fearful Prophecies and Predictions are like the Weather- Changeable Outcomes of Predicted Probabilities Amidst Possibilities.

Humanity sometimes even intentionally creates fear, and what we believe and fear will happen, like the seeding of clouds- ice nucleation- destructive environmental storms- vegetation and crop damage… as well as psychologically staged dramatic events based on Man’s early beliefs about God and about Life prevalent today, with today’s weapons and technologies as powerful forces of fear.

Do we love Life and Well-being or Destruction and Death???

January 25, 2021

Shelley Wilson

Feeding My Mind

I was a young child when a black and white TV became the focal point of our house.

Until then, all the magic of my youthful mind was found between the covers of library books. I feasted on them, devouring words and images that expanded my world, deepened my understandings and stirred my imagination.

Books were precious and sacred and respected. How I loved to borrow as many as I could at one time and ‘cloister’ in my bedroom to read happily for hours.

First the TV was a charming novelty, a new toy of sound and pictures that sometimes turned to what the adults called ‘snow’. There were two channels then- one English and one French. At a certain time every night, they both signed off.

The children’s and adult’s programs were quite ‘innocent’ by today’s standards. Even the news was far less ‘graphic’. The few ads were ‘tolerable interruptions’. It was a friendly introduction to home media hypnosis that has now ‘progressed’ to an orgy of mind-deadening repetitious ads with moments of entertainment and information between.

From the unsophisticated entertainments to the glamorized comedies and dramas of those early days, then eventually to the fake ‘reality’ shows of amateur actors and badly written ‘scripts’, to the mind twisting horror shows and depravities aimed at immature minds, to the blatant psychological warfare of multiple agendas, to… what next???

About the time of the fake ‘reality’ shows with the amateur actors and the badly written ‘scripts’, I decided to unplug from TV World. Like so many, I turned to the Internet sites for information and entertainment. How quickly that became a cesspool of toxicity here and there with more mental darkness than light available. I ‘walk through’ these like one walks through a mine field to find something of value.

So tonight, I will be reading in my bedroom surrounded by precious books. I will be feasting on words and images I’ve carefully chosen to expand my world, deepen my understandings and stir my imagination.

I am about to savour the true goodness found in the nurturing serenity of quietly reading a book I hold as I happily nourish my mind.

January 24, 2021

Shelley Wilson

Different Choices

I am still in the process of creating my little photo book I call ‘Memos To Myself’ for my loved ones.

I’m making different choices of presenting the same words, the same flower, like the same Soul in a Parallel Life as a different presentation of our Self experiencing different choices in the same Timeline.

Or, like a Repeat Performance of our Same Life in the Same Timeline, creating new effects, impacts, and consequences, New Life Stories, by the simple process of making Different Choices as we evolve in this God Given Free Will Universe.

We are beginning to wake up and remember how wondrously Multi-Dimensional we actually are.

It’s time to leave behind our Humanity’s primitive ideas about God, about Life, about Humanity, about our Self- all the myths of fear and guilt and shame and vengeful judgments- as a child leaves behind scary tales and unlearns rooted thoughts that don’t serve a Life of well-being and healthy mentality.

We need to wake ourselves and each other up from the false and harmfully nightmarish realities we’ve created through Humanity’s early beliefs.

I am waking myself up through connecting to inner knowing and the help of such messages as the ‘Conversations With God’ books by Neale Donald Walsch, as well as many other global awakening Messengers of God, and through an ‘osmosis’ of the Collective Consciousness now making a great Evolutionary Shift.

The Alarm Clock is ringing. It’s Time To Wake Up to who we are as Co-creators with God, Life, and to make Different Choices for a Healthier World.