
The world of flowers is magical. Flowers of every colour, shape, texture and size enchant the minds and hearts of all who behold their beauty with wonder.

You know when you are more fully alive when you behold Nature in all its diverse forms and expressions with a sense of wonder, reverence, curiosity and deep appreciation.

My daughter brought home some of her favourite flowers recently. Astrantia. The blossoms are usually small and dainty with subtle coloration, not the bright and bigger ‘show girls’ of the flower world. Although an unexpected preference when I learned that Astrantia are her favourites, I now recognize their resonance with her personality. It is indeed true that everything we choose is “a statement of who we are and who we choose to be”.

I took photos and then more photos of these unusually large Astrantia blossoms with my cell phone camera. Then I duplicated some of them to zoom in and show close ups. We folks with reading glasses do love our close ups! After that I played with my text on photo app to give these flowers the name we humans have chosen and agreed to call them so we can communicate what we have chosen. Isn’t naming a wonderful magic in itself!

So here are three photos of Astrantia named and communicated to you using those squiggly lines we call cursive writing. Yes, I still do this symbolic form of writing by hand as well. Do the young still learn to write by hand, I wonder.

Back to the Astrantia. Now I am wondering how a robot would perceive Astrantia. What would a robot do with Astrantia? Would a robot display anything beyond scientific data? Would a robot require a practical purpose for Astrantia for it to be valued in a scientific way? Will robots be programmed for aesthetics? I know some humans who aren’t. Lol!

So here are three photos I’ve been rambling on about.

Are We Listening?

We are all Evolving

Divine Creations

being and becoming…

You are God’s Life.

You are God’s Love.

God is ever

speaking to us.

Are you listening?

Do you hear?

Life Itself is

speaking to you.

Are you listening?

Do you hear?

God ever speaks

the sacred Language

in every form

of Life on Earth,

Nature here

and Life beyond.

The message is

Ever Oneness.

God speaks

through everything,

in all ways,

lovingly, joyfully,

peacefully, freely,

wondrously clear.

Are you listening

with your feelings,

with your senses,

with your mind

and heart and soul?

Are you listening?

Do you hear?

(January 28, 2021-Shelley Wilson)

God Speaks To Me

God speaks to me

in the quiet moments

when I pause my ‘story’,

when I go within,

when I stand in storms,

when I go within.

God speaks to me

as a peaceful feeling,

as a sacred energy

rising from within,

powerful and loving,

from my core within.

God speaks to me

through a loved one’s touch,

through a ‘chance’ encounter,

perfect timing, questions answered,

inspirations, revelations,

resonating clear and true.

God speaks to me

as unseen winds touching skin,

as fragrances of flowers,

as songs of unseen birds

or howls of distant wolves,

and as tastes of all that’s good.

God speaks to me

in the wondrous moments

when I see the distant starlight

and see the Universe as ‘home’,

when I see beauty in expressions

as creative energies freely flow.

God speaks to me

through my days in many ways

as Freedom, Love, Peace and Joy

expressed in feelings and in forms,

in languages of everything,

as simply awesome All That Is.

(January 28, 2021-Shelley Wilson)