God Speaks To Me

God speaks to me

in the quiet moments

when I pause my ‘story’,

when I go within,

when I stand in storms,

when I go within.

God speaks to me

as a peaceful feeling,

as a sacred energy

rising from within,

powerful and loving,

from my core within.

God speaks to me

through a loved one’s touch,

through a ‘chance’ encounter,

perfect timing, questions answered,

inspirations, revelations,

resonating clear and true.

God speaks to me

as unseen winds touching skin,

as fragrances of flowers,

as songs of unseen birds

or howls of distant wolves,

and as tastes of all that’s good.

God speaks to me

in the wondrous moments

when I see the distant starlight

and see the Universe as ‘home’,

when I see beauty in expressions

as creative energies freely flow.

God speaks to me

through my days in many ways

as Freedom, Love, Peace and Joy

expressed in feelings and in forms,

in languages of everything,

as simply awesome All That Is.

(January 28, 2021-Shelley Wilson)

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