Courage (Revised Revision)

When dread of danger haunts you here,

when terror and trauma stalk your days,

remember your Spirit’s many ways

of guiding you out of a world of fear…

Disregard hatred’s many violent voices

of death and destruction far or near.

Walk with what you hold most dear

of Life, of Love, of Freedom’s choices…

Show others a different way to fight

fear’s intolerance and aggression’s greed,

unquestioned beliefs and delusional need,

endless wars of sorrow, grief and fright…

With free and living souls unite

beyond borders of races and nations,

politics, religions and social stations.

Transform humanity’s desperate plight…

Be a guiding light of priceless worth

when dark deeds fill Earth’s nights and days.

Remember reverence for Life always…

Be the courage to free and bless all Earth!

(May 2004- Jan. 2018- Oct. 2019)

Shelley A. Wilson

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