Values (Free Verse)

My Politics (my digital music composition)

Values (Free Verse) do our Moral Values change like Fashions- ‘Cultural Clothing’ we choose to wear, even like Styles and length of hair- or do we pride ourselves in Never Changing from a Fashion of the Past… what Evolves or Stays the Same… what is ‘Better’…what is ‘Best’… do we Kill or Die for Fashions, Moral Values, this ‘Cultural Clothing’ we enforce or choose to wear just to show ‘How Much We Care’… does Politics follow ‘Value Fashions’… what kind of Governments do we wear… are we Open or Closed Societies… are we Commanded or are we Convinced… do our Leaders have their ‘Leaders’… does World Industry Dictate now… (what Leader leads without Its Support) Nothing is Hidden or Secret for long as Lenses of Techno-Transparency become World Values fashioned now… can Politics transcend all ‘ism’s- those Blinders that Limit Our Views as ‘ist’s make the ‘ism’s and ‘ism’s make ‘ist’s… True Believer ‘ist’s (even mostly Silent ‘ist’s) and Zealous ‘ist’s who’ll do dark deeds for the Glory of their Cause- for Rewards and for Applause as they ‘Party’ on, as they party on, speaking the Language of Values translated in so many ways- speaking the Language of Power, weaponed words and deeds for vicious play… yet who in Power will speak and act for Love- Love of All Humanity, an attainable Peace on Earth, and the inherent Spirit of Freedom acknowledging All Humanity’s Rights and Worth… are we limited to ‘self interest’, Blind to Consequence in War, inheriting ever more ‘Fallout’ of Hells we make on Earth… what will we Evolve to See in the histories of Every Nation- in the stories of every year’s news- Violence, Revenge, and Hatred… Stories of ambitious Believers, perceptions distorted, brainwashed ‘Love’ that ever twists the meaning of all that’s Kindness and Compassion… where is Love’s Respect for Human Dignity, Love’s Evolved Reverence for Life, the Sacred Energy of Life Itself… truly ‘we know not what we do’… are there not Other Ways that Righteous Anger and Inner Strength have won the ‘Hoped For Day’… who will stand for a healthy Humanity- for Heal Thy Humanity- Life Free of Global Insanity- as Unbelievers of Any ‘ism’ die cruel deaths or live tortured days in prisons… can we even Envision Life Free of Political Paranoia (spies everywhere, no one to trust, ever threatened and destructive, ‘Superior Power’ at any cost no matter who or what is lost)… can Religions transcend all ‘ism’s- ancient Gods we strive to emulate, Their warring Angels and Demons all- Their ‘World Views’ of ‘Need for Sacrifice’- ‘Need’ to Conquer and Defeat, ‘Need’ for Allies and Pacts and Covenants, Rituals and Vows and Blind Obedience- the Dictatorship of the ‘Divine’… can we take our Dark Glasses and Blinders off and just see through the I’s of Love… can we let go our Gods of Judgment and our Gods of Irrational Wrath… can we cast out Their ‘Hell’ and ‘Torment’ Fears that drown this World in Blood and Tears… will we rise to new directions- up to where there’s no Power Through Fear, no ‘Reward or Punishment’ Fictions- no worship of Persons and ancient Deities to slavishly serve, obey, and seek to please, Capricious Gods and Elitist V.I.P.s who’d ever have us on our knees… can our Allegiance be to Love That Frees from ‘Only Way’ Politics’ and Religions’ Inherited Prejudices and Convictions that drown this World in Blood and Tears- that flood this World with Insane Fears… when will we truly Value Life on Earth, this Little Planet of our birth… can we Accept Unity in Diversity… can we Tolerate Differences Anywhere in this Little Universe… will we Explore New ways of Being, Empowered by Love, the Golden Rule, and All That’s Good in Our Humanity as we traverse the ‘Heavens Above’… once we do, the Heavens will Open… we’ll Understand Love’s Values and we’ll Understand Our Worth. (With Love, Shelley) written October 19, 2014                 May your Spirit shine brightly, Shelley

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