The Prejudices of Geography


The Prejudices of Geography (my digital composition)

We Humans are a funny lot!
Our Intelligence has not
evolved beyond the prejudices
of where we’re from
or where we now live
as if it is the sum
of who we really are.

Pre-judgments abound
with reasoning unsound
determining value and worth
of sacred life upon this Earth
based on where we’re from
or where we now live
on this tiny orb spinning in Space.

We attach our loves and hates
to North or South, East or West,
even Up and Down,
where notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’
fill so many minds with fears
and all the primitive prejudices
of a perceptual Geography.

We Humans are a funny lot!
Shelley Wilson (April 20, 2014)

May your Spirit shine brightly,Shelley