The Flower Lady

(Tulips Dance and Bow-  my digital music composition)


The Flower Lady

in a swift stream
of flowers
she is immersed
in beauty
a fragrant flow
wondrous bounty
fleeting beauty
and ethereal
she blooms too

Shelley Wilson
April 17, 2012

May your Spirit shine brightly,Shelley

I Am


(Awe and Wonder-   my digital music composition)


I Am
I am the call of the wild bird,
the feel of the breeze on your skin,
the color of loving laughter,
the strength of your spirit within.
I am the soil caressing your feet,
the beckoning stars of the night,
the taste of tears with tea,
the sight of dawn’s first light.
I am the sweet kiss of comfort,
the smell of the flowers you grew,
the essence of every vast atom,
the answer you simply knew.

May your Spirit shine brightly,Shelley

The Invitation

Just Be-Cause (my digital music composition)

The Invitation
Tammy’s in the Hen House,
her cherished `Taj Mahal`,
seeing Love through every window,
feeling Love in every wall.
Tammy`s Hen House is a wonder-
the finest in the land.
There`s no grander Hen House
built by the human hand!!
Her Hens are noble Ladies…
Cluck and peck, cluck and peck…
Tammy`s in their pecking order…
Cluck and peck, cluck and peck…
The Rooster watches warily
through the windows clear.
When Tammy’s in the Hen House
all the eggs just disappear!!
Mr. Rooster rules the Hen House
as he struts and crows a while,
guarding his fair Ladies,
Tammy says with wink and smile.
You’re invited to the Hen House,
Tammy’s cherished ‘Taj Mahal’,
to see Love through every window,
and feel Love in every wall.
April, 2012
Shelley Wilson

May your Spirit shine brightly,Shelley

Gentle Breeze


(Fragile Thread-  my digital music composition)


Gentle Breeze
A cool, gentle breeze,
she moves through the shop’s open door-
flowers and plants stir from slumber
and garden fairies stretch their wings.
Harriet works her magic too
as trails of leaves lay
in scattered, windswept piles…
a testament to her care and art.
No wild tempest, our Harry is
a disciplined, refreshing force of Nature,
inspiring and transparent as air
breezing through the flower shop.

March 18, 2012


May your Spirit shine brightly, Shelley