Clare’s Vision

(Vision-  my digital music)
Holding within her artistic nature
a painter’s palette of perceptions,
a child-like artist awakened in wonder
to see sunlight softly stroke
the early morning sky.
Still placed on heaven’s canvas
the Moon shone more brightly than she’d ever seen before
in such celestial paintings of the dawn.
She gazed through the clear glass window,
lost in reflection of the lunar image in her sight.
In a single magical moment her vision changed
and she was the Maiden Moon entranced
by the transforming view.
Now she looked upon radiant and regal Mother Earth
dressed in her elegant gown of blue and white
being lovingly embraced by infinite Father Space
wearing his tuxedo of black and light.
Together they danced to a rhythmic arrangement
of energy frequencies created by Spirit’s Love.
Awe filled Clare’s Lunar Soul
as she listened to this symphonic Music of the Spheres.
In tune with the Universe then,
she felt the Creator Spirit’s joy
in manifesting this divine, cosmic art…
creation evolving creation evolving creation…
Finally Clare returned to her limiting senses
just awakening to the mysteries above.
The mystical memory returned whenever she painted,
remembering how the Creative Spirit
transformed the art and artist into one.
April,1999 revised May,2004

Blue Values

They met in the tranquil blue frequency
of calming rhythmic sound and soothing light—
blue flowing over them gently like a cool breeze,
a balm for their minds and hearts
in need of inner peace.
They found each other in the world of dreams,
that magical freedom-realm of a different reality.
There, she opened her eyes feeling refreshed
from the serene solitude of quiet contemplations,
meditative-blue spiritual insights,
and trusting prayers of gratitude.
She discovered herself resting in an ethereal garden
filled with bright blue delphiniums
reaching upward with all their being to the heavens
and pale blue forget-me-nots
humbly beautifying the jewelled soil.
When he approached her in his starry astral body,
she heard the music of flutes and wind-chimes,
smelled the fragrant scent of cedars and pines,
and felt her heart grow still with wonder
seeing blue star-sapphires in his shining eyes.
An aerial kiss of electric blue energy
descended from above, touching each sparkling brow
before penetrating their welcoming hearts.
They stood entranced by this blue fire
that now burned so radiantly within them.
Here was the hope of realizing
their most valued desires and dreams—
truthfulness and trustworthiness,
honesty and honour,
loyalty and loving-kindness…
The shared memory of this vivid dream-vision
awoke them to what could be,
and each vowed to make it so…
February,1997 revised April,2004

The Cow

With one artful brush of her cow’s tail
an annoying mosquito was hurled
with its poison through the air—
only to return with countless others
eager to critique her form
in hopes of drawing blood.
Despite these minor, frustrating attacks,
her life was a rhythmic harmony
in tune with Life’s pastoral symphony
in which she played her own small part.
As a participant contentedly standing in the imagery
of country landscape photos and paintings,
she lived her days in gentle quietude
and peaceful contemplations.
She savoured sunshine and stillness,
yet found endless fascination
in the sweeping dramas of storms.
She loved the light of early morning,
the vibrant green pastures of Spring rains,
the still waters of the pond,
the well-worn paths to the welcoming barn.
She loved resting in calm communion
with the Spirit of Nature, the joy of oneness,
the creative process of eating—
chewing and cud-chewing
of food and thoughts cows think.
Just a common cow, she vainly regarded
her black and white markings
as being special and beautiful
and regarded her milk as being a uniquely fine gift.
Like a nun, she prayed to be forgiven
such vanity and pride when the habit of immodesty
covered and hid her better qualities.
Unlike a nun, she looked at creation
from widely different angles and perspectives.
She knew that cows had been used universally
as a symbol for worship by many humans
and as a symbol for mockery by many.
Such reverence and ridicule she faced
with equanimity mixed with bewilderment
and a healthy sense of humour.
Perhaps she’d be a whale in her next life.
Perhaps a frog.
She had a strong mothering instinct,
even toward those human creatures
who’d arrogantly ‘bought’ her at auction.
She lovingly worked to nurture them
with her flow of desired milk.
She gave freely and wholeheartedly,
celebrating Life with this self-giving.
Shy and mild-mannered most times,
she was a pleasingly good-natured cow
despite the occasional naughty kicks
she gave at milking times—
and the occasional bellowing of discontent
whenever boredom weighed heavily on her fat hours.
More than not, she was content—
not from expectation but gratitude
for the wonder of her life.
She so enjoyed the creative process
she saw in her own nature,
and the comforting communion
which utterly filled her quieted mind
and heart to overflowing expressions.
Her thoughts poured out like streams of milk.
Her milk poured out like streams of thought.
Some animals responded to her
with contemptuous or jealous eyes.
Some gazed at her as if she were
a garden statuary inspiration.
She looked at herself one day
in the pensive pond,
staring in humble reflection.
There she saw all creation in which she was absorbed—
all creation as being a divine, operatic play
evolving act by act
in a glory of expressed perfection.
The cow then lifted her head heavenward,
heart rejoicing,
and in tune with her own nature
voiced a truly happy moood.
April,1992 revised May,2004 February,2006

The Loon

A black and white vision of solitude on a lonely lake,
the loon moved silently on the still water
surrounded by the mysteries of the early morning mists.
A battered canoe glided into sight,
piloted by a human male whose appearance
likewise declared a love of wilderness and solitude.
The man’s searching eyes disclosed
a shining clarity of thought miscalled madness
for want of understanding by those who judged him so.
Society had shunned him as he had shunned
the mad cruelties and rigid intolerance
of outdated, unevolved social structures.
The loon instantly recognized a companion of spirit.
With wings outstretched in a universal sign
of respectful acknowledgment and acceptance,
he voiced his shrill, reverberating salute…
The loud, clarion call haunted the visionary atmosphere
through which the poet followed his quest.
While alarming more fearful creatures, this call
stimulated the predatory instincts in other hungry listeners.
Inspired by the amazing power of this peculiar poetry,
the human echoed the lyrical call with gratitude.
Then, in silence, the loon moved further up the lake
exploring the mysterious mists beyond—
the mists he loved and could not fear.
April,1992 revised May, 2004 February, 2006